Understanding Islam is a Google website that has been opened so that people throughout the world can understand Islam.
Click. have an interest in Muslim thoughts because, although human minds can differ due to our freedom, a certain set of human ideas must be the same in all people. Otherwise, human life would become highly irrational. The set of same ideas is form out of all scientific and mathematical ideas. My interest in the human minds of different nations is focused only on scientific and mathematical ideas.
This Islamic blog deals with the question, Is Jesus Christ God? On this question, certain biblical statements seem to be guiding the Muslim mind, as seen in comments in this blog.
Click. The following biblical statements seem to focus the mind of Admin.
(1) John 10:30, I and my Father are one.
(2) John 5:58, Before Abraham was here, I am.
(3) John 14:28, My Father is greater than I.
(4) John 5:30, I can of mine own self do nothing.
(5) Luke 5:16, How can Jesus be God if he worshiped God as any other person — when he went into the wilderness and prayed.
The Muslim MINDSET is formed partly by the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Jews, Christians, and Muslims say that God talks in the Old Testament. This means that God is dictating to the scribes of this scripture. Fewer and fewer Christians and Jews hold this belief today. They say that the Old Testament is man-made. Since it took 500 years to prepare, I view the Old testament as a record of an ancient renaissance that was focused on the subject of God. But, the appearance of the Son as Jesus Christ and the teaching of Jesus Christ created a different kind of scripture. His teachings are not part of a ancient renaissance. Instead, these teachings are scientific and inventive and seem to represent a new set of goals for human life.
The interpretation of scriptures have entered an era wonderment in the 1920s. At that time, a major discovery was made by the field of linguistics and presents interpreters of documents a new problem. This problem requires the interpreter to assign a precise meaning to each word in the document. This requirement has confused today’s translators and interpreters. In my research on a monotheistic God and in my scientific proof of God , I gave precise meaning to every word-symbol I used. To find truths with word-symbols, the meaning of a word-symbol must be internally consistent and externally consistent with the other word-symbols. Finding truths with number-symbols by the physical sciences are simple compared to finding truths by life sciences or in a document prepared with word-symbols. An international discussion of document interpretations seems appropriate.
Statement (1) above says that Jesus is God. This identity became doctrine in Christianity in 325 AD. Then, in 381 AD, the meaning of the identity of the Father and Son became more precise by including the Holy Spirit to define this identity better. With this addition, the Father and Son was defined with three word-symbols and became known as the Trinity. By adding the Holy Spirit, the identity of the Father and Son must be conceived as a ‘union,’ rather than a ‘relation.’ In the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa conceived the Trinity as a scientific structure. The earlier version of the Trinity --- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit --- is conceived by Cusa as One, Equality, and Union. When Jesus Christ identified the father and Son identity at John 10:30, the early Christians viewed the identity wrongly as a bloodline relation. This natural error was corrected by Cusa. But, Christianity never conceived a monotheistic god as three gods.
I use successfully the Trinity of Cusa in my book on The First Scientific Proof of God.
Click In my book, I found that the Trinity conceived by Cusa connects God to the universe scientifically. This finding is a major breakthrough because Science and Theology become unified as an identity with a single symbolic language. I expect the Trinity to become the most powerful tool for understanding God and the universe.
The connection of God to His universe through the Trinity tells us that God and the universe are scientifically related if we use the word-symbols, infinite and finite. Based on this connection, we learn that God and the universe have no beginning or end. We also learn that the symbols; Heaven and Hell, are spiritual, rather than physical. This connection also means that God created things by creating immortal atoms first. I present the spiritual atoms in my book. I also show that God must appear in our world as creator and creature. In statements (3) and (4) above, Jesus Christ it telling us that His work in our world is not like His work to create and maintain the universe. In statement (5) when Jesus prays in the wilderness, He is informing us that praying is a private activity through ‘spirits.’ I discuss this private praying activity in Part IIc of my book. With spiritual atoms and their perceiving abilities, God’s all-perceiving ability is able to perceive the private thoughts of all people simultaneously..
I believe that different religions can be unified with ease. This is the only way human freedom can become the natural freedom that God gave us. Religious unification is the only way the citizens of Iraq can be freed and terminate their civil conflicts. It is time for poverty to be removed from every place in the world and time for national leaders to stop dividing us.