I am concerned about the lack of development of mathematics and science in the United States. This was bad news to me after I discovered a scientific proof of God, discovered that our colleges and universities do not distinguish theology from religion, and noticed that many research projects in the fields of mathematics and science support atheism and evolutionary theory. I found no research in these fields to develop knowledge about God. Yet, these two fields are funded primarily by the hard work of taxpaying
believers. Since I know that knowledge of God can be produced by us, I posted messages on the Internet about this abnormalty. Some mathematicians responded to my message to the field of mathematics. The response from mathematicians is in the next paragraph. But, I am not waiting for responses from scientists because I talk about the field in detail in my book on the proof of God. But, I also believe that this report should be propagated to the public now.
Now, to the field of mathematics. On my July 5, 2006 blog, I posted my message to the field of mathematics. I suggested ‘Restudying the Field of Mathematics.’ Apparently, these mathematicians did not like this suggestion. Then, on July 20, 2006, Mark
Chu-Carroll, a Google employee, posted a blog against my scientific proof of God. Carroll's first post was only 22 days after my book on a scientific proof of God appeared on Amazon.com.
Click Surprisingly, in his first post Carroll wrote negatively about my proof of God, without even reviewing the proof. On August 6, 2006, a person named Rev.
BigDumbChimp also made a post. He warned mathematicians about my scientific proof of God. He made his post also without reviewing my proof.
click Caroll made another post on August 18, 2006,
click another post on March 6, 2007,
click and a second post on March 6, 2007.
click Carroll's first posting destroyed any friendly
discussion on the proof of God because all of his postings have a single motive --- to assassinate my character.
In time, I learned that this group of mathematicians are essentially atheists because they speak negatively about creationism, intelligent design, and the Discovery Institute at Seattle. I conclude that character assassinations of believers could be a standard response procedure in this group of mathematicians. Then, on April 9, 2007, Carroll banned me from his Google website. This was unnecessary because I already collected a good data base about some of our mathematicians. I believe that this group of mathematicians might be an abnormality in the field of mathematics. To me, using mathematics to make computer games seems not to be very important compared to developing knowledge about God, the universe, and life.
Unfortunately, the mathematicians in this group do not know how to develop knowledge of God. Nor do they believe that an electrical engineer with a BS degree can discover a scientific proof of God. This is why a dialogue between us never developed. I conclude that our colleges and universities are limiting their minds because the theory of one God is not distinguished from the many practicing religions. The theory of God must become a subject in our colleges and universities. These mathematicians can understand finite infinities. But, an infinite qua infinite is unknown to them. One of their problems is their lack
knowledge of the philosophy of symbolism. Without this philosophy, they can recognize only half of the whole world. With this philosophy, they
would learn that the concept ' finite' (an attribute of our world) has a real opposing concept (an attribute of God). They would be willing to say, for instance, that concept of 'beginning'' has an 'end.' But, they will not be willing to say that finite has an infinite. They are thus almost completely ignorant of God and depend on faith alone. God wants us to know Him better and better as each generation passes on.
On related histories, many of our young Americans today do not know that the US colonists fought the Revolutionary War to build a Union under God. The purpose of this War is clearly expressed in the Declaration of Independence. In my book, I argue that the Declaration is the highest law in the US body of laws. The colonists also knew that a nation can be built two ways, with and without God. But, a nation cannot function properly if it stands on a fence in between God and atheism. Some US politicians and all atheists are trying to sell this fence as a reality. I argue that this fence is an illusion and causes many, if not all, of our social and moral problems. The colonists recognized this illusion and mandated a nation under God. The founder concluded that science would never prove that God does not exist. Today, modern science tells us that the nonexistence of anything cannot be proven scientifically because scientific proofs require empirical data. Eventually, I found a scientific proof of God and self-published it in June 2006.
click This book covers God, the universe and life. Unfortunately, most mathematicians, physical scientists, and life scientists do not consider God in their research projects. In fact, most mathematicians and scientists assume that our world has an end. If one considers the God in my book, one will learn that our world has no end. Thus, I conclude that our mathematicians and scientists are working with the false assumption, that the universe has an end. I argue that this bad
assumption will cause humanity to enter into an era of wars upon wars in the future.
If our mathematicians and scientists change their attitudes about God, I
believe that this unwanted era of wars can be avoided. To avoid this era, I conclude that the field of mathematics must develop the transfinite numbers of Georg Cantor. At the same time, I conclude that the sciences must develop the system of spiritual atoms discussed in my book. God's Intelligent Design cause the existence of these spiritual atoms. This Design also causes these atoms to combine and form distinct wholes. All of these wholes form a single universe consisting of 'one-many' bodies. The one-many bodies could clarify the concept of 'mass.' ' I also argue that there are sound reasons to explain why medical researchers are not finding cures for cancer, diabetes, etc. I conclude that the growth of atheism explains all failures in our sciences.
In my battle with this mathematical group, I learned that the field of mathematics is not very interested in knowing more about God. But, my research tells me that this disinterest is causing missed potentials. These mathematicians think that God does not exist because they are not grasping the symbolic nature of Georg Cantor's determinate infinite. They seem to limit their thoughts to either/or concepts and do not use both/and
logic. Yet, many of these mathematicians are believers in God. However, when they say that they believe in God, they assume that God can be known with 'faith alone.' Faith alone will not produce any science or knowledge of God. My scientific proof of God is like any other new scientific discovery. While knowledge of God cannot be completed, all new knowledge about God will always
reveal newer knowledge of God, the universe, and life. Thus, a 'faith alone mathematician' has created an
unsolvable problem. For instance, if a mathematician wants to live on faith alone, how can this mathematician find a mathematical job in a nation that is continuously seeking new truths about God so that our knowledge about the universe and life grows?
Mathematicians and scientists can choose to do nothing about my concern. However, the Muslims recently discussed their new scientific proof of God.
click This Muslim proof is highly specific compared to my general proof of God. With respect to the future, it seems clear to me that the Muslim scientific proof of God will be used to bring third-world nations under Islam. Accordingly, the US government must reform the USA by returning the USA to the Union mandated by our founders. My research shows that the USA began as a Union but was changed into a
faire nation after Abe
Lincoln was assassinated. The pic above is a sign of the mandated US Union.
Since one must expect the Muslims to spread their proof of God around the world, this is not the time to stand on a political fence between God and 'no god.' Such a fence is real only in the minds of our atheists. This fence will not be found in God's Intelligent Design of the universe . Neither
can concepts such as 'political right' and 'political wrong' be found in God's Intelligent Design.
My general scientific proof of God reveals new ideas in many fields of thought. For instance, the Iraq War can be terminated today gracefully. Creating free nations throughout the world can now be achieved only with words and ideas that originate in God.