In this blog and before I discuss God’s intelligent design and the creation, I want to s

ummarize my general thoughts about my new Christianity. Hopefully, this summary will help people throughout the world, especially those who live in the Middle East, overcome religious differences without more wars and killings. The thoughts and acts of all humans are too important to God and man’s progress.
My new view of a monotheistic God is expressed in a statement on page 6 of my book. This statement,
all finite things are originated by an infinite thing, is my scientific proof of God. This new view will cause changes in every religion in the world today. My new view of God is no more important than the new view of God that Abraham had developed to show the falsity of polytheism. Since I accept the Declaration of Independence statement,
that all Men are created equal, I say that Abraham’s thoughts and my thoughts on God are merely similar contributions to man’s increasing development of knowledge about God, God’s intelligent design, and God’s creation. My contribution is consistent with Abraham’s indivisible God, which means that God is a pure one and has no parts.
My new view of a monotheistic God led to other new findings. For instance, I found that a mediating world does separate God from the creation. This is because the extremes, of God’s infinity and all finite things, have no middle region or celestial world. Thus, angels, falling angels, archangels, demons, devils, Satan, saints, prophets, ... etc. do not exist. The absence of a mediating world means that God and the creation are separated with logic. This separation means that God and man cannot communicate with each other as we communicate with each other. However, in Part IIc of my book, I show that God and man can exchange information. In Part IIb, I show God can communicate with us if he appears in our world as the Son of God, as expressed by the Christian Trinity. In this Part, I also show that the teachings of Christ are divine and thus that Christ and the Son of God are an identity.
I accept the finding of Nicholas of Cusa that God is the ‘unity of all opposites.’ For instance, the opposites, beginning/end and absolute maximum/absolute minimum, are unified by God. When viewed in the creation, God’s opposites are not maximally different. The creation thus had no beginning or end in time. All eschatological teachings are thus false. Further, people cannot earn a life in Heaven or be punished with a life in Hell. At death, things pass on.
Since all created things are divisible and God is indivisible, all divisible things originate in God intelligent design as an infinite set of indivisible spiritual atoms. I discuss these atoms in Part IV of my book. Today, I view the subsets of this set as irreducible complexities that we will never know. For this reason, our knowledge of God’s wisdom will never be known. Thus, I believe that the true and natural life of people must be guided by brotherly love and humbleness. Racism and human classes must be eliminated.
As seen, my contribution to man’s past progress was made with dialectical thinking. Clearly, these contributions to man's progress are not based on the misuse of nonsequiturs, as some atheists say about my book.