Theological Science* and the U.S. Anti-Socialists
I was born in the anthracite coal region in the State of Pennsylvania. As a little boy, I saw whole homes fall into these tunnels and saw men die in these tunnels. But I also saw coal leaving the surrounding mountains on trucks, rail, and canal to warm the homes of people hundreds of miles away. Somehow people in these coal regions had to rationalize these ‘home fall ins’ and ‘miner deaths’ with the warm homes of people who lived hundreds of miles away. Then, when oil replaced coal, I saw the growth of ghettos in these coal regions. Today, this coal region has become a pocket of poverty. Today, the U.S. anti-socialists are those Americans who close their minds to these historical facts.
In the late 1950s, as an electrical engineer, I became part of a new group of workers at Martin Marietta Corporation funded by the federal government. Our job was not to warm the homes of people. Instead, our job was to secure all people of USA against the Soviet Union, which had launched ‘Sputnik’ into space recently. This job led engineers to change the way electricity is made and controlled. One change made circuits small and light. Another electrical change shifted electrical circuits from analog into digital. Many businesses, such as Intel and Microsoft, grew out of this government effort and electrical changes Today, U.S. anti-socialists would say that the wealth of Intel and Microsoft would have developed without this 1950s government funding and the work of many engineers. But, they overlook these historical facts.
A nation cannot be built without the togetherness and brotherly love of its people. This is why I will vote for Barack Obama. Obviously, the anti-socialists, such as John McCain and Sarah Palin, are the scum of the USA.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.