Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, October 30, 2014

677. The Misinterpretations of Benjimin Franklin's Writings By Many Americans

When Benjamin Franklin spoke about the immorality of the human soul in his autobiography on page 322, Ben tells us why the 'Committee of the Whole' changed the first statement of the second paragraph of Thomas Jefferson's draft version of the Declaration of Independence (DOI).

In the first statement of the second paragraph, the DOI says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,.... Scientifically, the statement, all Men are created equal means that God created immortal souls before He created male and female humans. Thus, when God creates male and female humans, the humans lives are limited but are reborn continuously by God with the immortal souls He made.

Accordingly, the Union of Ben has been misinterpreted by many Americans after President Lincoln was assassinated. I also say that the teachings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on God and the universe are wrong because God created only one heaven or one universe.

Since China is on the right path with Yin-Yang reasoning, many other nations will not move forward and into space where other planets exist and have new suns. If nations do not move into the new futures and sciences, they will only develop wars, crimes, and real;slavery.

The scientific language of Benjamin Franklin is well beyond the abilities of the U.S. government. The sciences in Ben was very great. As his founding of the USA, he knew sciences and saw freedom only in God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

676. Making Unions Rather Than Democracies

Yesterday, I said that Ben Franklin was the greatest founder of the United States of America. As a  great founder, Ben spent many years in Europe and learned many new scientific truths about God and the universe. In March 9,1790. Ben was dying and entered into his autobiography the following two new scientific truths. One truth is the 'immortality of the human soul.' And, the other truth is the 'doubts at to the divinity of Jesus.' I conclude that Ben learned these two truths when he became a member of the French Academy of Sciences. At this academy, Ben was told about the Monadology, a paper by Gottfried Leibniz. I suggest that this paper of Leibniz be studied by every young human .

After Ben learned about Leibniz's Monadology, I conclude that Ben had to develop the USA as a union. So, when Ben read Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence (DOI), in the first statement of the DOI, Ben changed Jefferson's phrase 'the people' to 'one People.' Thus, Ben raises the people of a union to a scientific level. Further, when the colonists began to separate Americans from England, on July 1775, Ben defined the union again with the 'Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.' (click) In February 22, 1779, a common treasury was established as a union,

If world competition is destroyed and all nations and their people want to become united equally in the world, I believe that all current nations must convert themselves into scientific unions rather than democracies. Political parties and lawyers have very few scientific skills and thus are unable to define true democracies, unions, or any other group of equal people. I conclude that Congress is still unable to define the five laws in the DOI  So, allow many more scientists to go to work in Congress..

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

675. The History On Benjamin Franklin and the Ugly Lives of Competition

Most Americans do not know who the founder of the USA was. Schools say that George Washington was honest. Republicans say that Thomas Jefferson was good. James Madison University says that Madison was intelligent. Most Americans say that other founders exist.

However, I say that Benjamin Franklin was the greatest founder of the USA. Many founders exist but only one founder, Ben, went to Europe for ten years regularly until the USA became free from England on July 4, 1776. Then, when this separation with England came, Ben went to France and Paris regularly from December 21, 1776 to September 14, 1785. There, Ben developed the functional relations between the USA, France, and other nations. These functional relations do not establish any competitions. Instead, Ben removed all competitions from the minds of Americans because different nations are working together. One can learn some of these functional relations in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin or one can read the more than 4000 books of Franklin in Philadelphia.(click)

After Ben came home on September 14, 1785, on April 17, 1790 he would pass on. However, on March 9, 1790, Ben would tell us some of his important beliefs: (1) a belief in one God, the Creator, who is best served by 'doing good to his other Children' (2) immorality of the human soul, to be 'treated with Justice in another Life respecting to Conduct in this (3) Jesus' system of morals and his religion, as he left them, 'the best World ever saw or is likely to see,' though since somewhat corrupted; and (4) some doubts as to the divinity of Jesus, 'tho' it is a Question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.'

After Ben died in1790, competitors began to grow. A competitor is a person who sells or buys goods or services. To stop the growth of competitors, Alexander Hamilton fought for national developments; Thomas Jefferson wanted to put all families on farms; hard and soft coal served many homes, cotton served U.S. and British textile producers, etc. When President Lincoln won, he built Southern manufactures and expanded the life of the people in the West. The lives of the West is displayed today on TV today.

Wars also came. Civil War came (click). And WWI (click) and WWII (click) came and went. Today, people are saying that WWIII is coming. (click) After these wars, U.S. President. Eisenhower built a modern highway system and President Kennedy put humans on the moon. In 1971, I listened to President Nixon's major national program for the 4-day work week, pork production, removal of trucks from all highways, etc.

I conclude that competition must be eliminated in every nation so that richness and poorness is eliminated. If competition is eliminated, the life of every person will be beautiful.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, October 27, 2014

674. Competition Cannot Build the USA Or Any Other Nation

Before the founders of the USA separated the thirteen states from England on July 4, 1776, for ten years, beginning in 1766, Ben Franklin was sent to Europe in order to learn the new sciences, technologies, and religions there. Below, the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin records the important events in the ten years before the USA is founded

On July 19, 1766, Ben went to Royal Society of Science and became a member in  Germany. On August 28, 1767, Ben went to Paris to meet French scientists and physiocrats.  On January 2, 1769, Ben became the presidency of the American Philosophical Society.  On On August 25, 1771 Ben went to Scotland to talk about philosophy and economics with David Hume. On August 16,, 1772, Ben was elected to the French Academy of Sciences. On December 2, 1771, Ben warns Americans of problems of the financial difficulties of England's East India Company. On May 10, 1773, the Tea Tax passed. This lowered the price for East India Company in competition with smuggled Dutch tea. In August 1773 a crisis in America developed. In September 1773, Ben publishes: Rules By Which a Great Empire May be Reduced to a Small One. On Dec 16,1773, the Boston Tea Party was published in London. In September 1774, Ben recommend Thomas Paine. But I On January 31, 1774, Ben was dismissed as deputy postmaster general. In March 20 1775, Ben leaves London and writes, An Account of Negotiations in London. By March 1 Ben has virtually given up hope of a peaceful settlement. On March 6, 1775, Ben was chosen as a  delegate to the Second Continental Congress. On July 21, 1775, Ben submits the draft,: Articles of Confederation of United Colonies.  On July 26, 1775, Ben was elected as the postmaster general by Congress. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted

In Ben's autobiography, it is clear that the meaning of the concept of  competition is known by many economists. But in Europe, Ben learned that competition is not science.  Instead, Ben learned that competition is a 'game'  that is played by shippers, producers, tax-makers, and price-makers.

When American farmers began to produce cotton in the South, the textile producers in England needed cheaper and cheaper cotton from the American farmers.  In time, England forced American farmers to use slaves.  This act led to two seceded states and the civil war of President Lincoln.

The laws of the Declaration of Independence say that only 'one People' can make the USA based on  the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. The Congress cannot use the concept of 'competition  to build the USA.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, October 26, 2014

673 More On the Health Care Costs For Humans Must Decrease Continually

At blog 656, I discussed the different cost of the ointment called 'clobetasol.' I said that the cost of clobetasol increased from $9 (on 10/17/14) to $36 (on 10/20/14).  However, on 10/22/14, the cost of clobetasol increased to $50.65.

Based on the American System of Economics, the $9 cost of this ointment would be reduced continually. However, based on the British System of Economics, which is the competitive economy of Adam Smith, the $9 cost of this ointment increased to $50.65 in five days by investors of the USA.

As I say before, the minds of many Americans are stuck-in-the-mud because they do not know the Declaration of Independence (DOI), the DOI laws, and the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature's God. If these Americans would lift their minds out of the mud, the States could abolish the U.S. government immediately and put the DOI laws to work.

Today, many Americans are on the phones in order to get votes. However, these Americans will never get their minds out of the mud.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, October 25, 2014

672. The 19th Century of the American Minds Are Defined By Alexis de Tocqueville

On the problem of the minds of Americans in 20th century, Patrick Buchanan writes about the Things Fall Apart. In my third book, God and His Coexistent Relations to The Universe I say that the American mind is falling downwardly. But, I also say that the minds of the people in China are moving upwardly.

Below, Alexis de Tocqueville show us why the minds of Americans of the 19th century were moving downwardly. These words by Alexis are found on page 401-406 of my third book, God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. Today, many comments by Alexis on democracies are found on the Internet. To Alexis, the concepts of equality and inequality define the people's minds of  democracies. I say that inequalities are dominating the democracy of the USA with competition and that equalities of sciences in the USA are too few in number. I also say that the current physical science of God and the universe in the USA is wrong.

Alexis says: If a democratic state of society and democratic institutions do not retard the onward course of the human mind, they incontestably guide it in one direction in preference to another. Their efforts, thus circumscribed, are still exceedingly great, and I may be pardoned if I pause for a moment to contemplate them. I had occasion, in speaking of the philosophical method of the American people, to make several remarks that it is necessary to make use of here. Equality begets in man the desire of judging of everything for himself; it gives him in all things a taste for the tangible and the real, a contempt for tradition and for forms. These general tendencies are principally discernible in the peculiar subject of this chapter. Those who cultivate the sciences among a democratic people are always afraid of losing their way in visionary speculation. They mistrust systems; they adhere closely to facts and study facts with their own senses. As they do not easily defer to the mere name of any fellow man, they are never inclined to rest upon any man's authority; but, on the contrary, they are unremitting in their efforts to find out the weaker points of their neighbors' doctrine. Scientific precedents have little weight with them; they are never long detained by the subtlety of the schools nor ready to accept big words for sterling coin; they penetrate, as far as they can, into the principal parts of the subject that occupies them, and they like to expound them in the popular language. Scientific pursuits then follow a freer and safer course, but a less lofty one. The mind, it appears to me, may divide science into three parts. The first comprises the most theoretical principles and those more abstract notions whose application is either unknown or very remote. The second is composed of those general truths that still belong to pure theory, but lead nevertheless by a straight and short road to practical results. Methods of application and means of execution make up the third. Each of these different portions of science may be separately cultivated, although reason and experience prove that no one of them can prosper long if it is absolutely cut off from the two others. In America the purely practical part of science is admirably understood, and careful attention is paid to the theoretical portion which is immediately requisite to application. On this head the Americans always display a clear, free, original, and inventive power of mind. But hardly anyone in the United States devotes himself to the essentially theoretical and abstract portion of human knowledge. In this respect the Americans carry to excess a tendency that is, I think, discernible, though in a less degree, among all democratic nations. Nothing is more necessary to the culture of the higher sciences or of the more elevated departments of science than meditation; and nothing is less suited to meditation than the structure of democratic society. We do not find there, as among an aristocratic people, one class that keeps quiet because it is well off; and another that does not venture to stir because it despairs of improving its condition. Everyone is in motion, some in quest of power, others of gain. In the midst of this universal tumult, this incessant conflict of jarring interests, this continual striving of men after fortune, where is that calm to be found which is necessary for the deeper combinations of the intellect? How can the mind dwell upon any single point when everything whirls around it, and man himself is swept and beaten onwards by the heady current that rolls all things in its course? You must make the distinction between the sort of permanent agitation that is characteristic of a peaceful democracy and the tumultuous and revolutionary movements that almost always attend the birth and growth of democratic society. When a violent revolution occurs among a highly civilized people, it cannot fail to give a sudden impulse to their feelings and ideas. This is more particularly true of democratic revolutions, which stir up at once all the classes of which a people is composed and beget at the same time inordinate ambition in the breast of every member of the community. The French made surprising advances in the exact sciences at the very time at which they were finishing the destruction of the remains of their former feudal society; yet this sudden fecundity is not to be attributed to democracy, but to the unexampled revolution that attended its growth. What happened at that period was a special incident, and it would be unwise to regard it as the test of a general principle. Great revolutions are not more common among democratic than among other nations; I am even inclined to believe that they are less so. But there prevails among those populations a small, distressing motion, a sort of incessant jostling of men, which annoys and disturbs the mind without exciting or elevating it. Men who live in democratic communities not only seldom indulge in meditation, but they naturally entertain very little esteem for it. A democratic state of society and democratic institutions keep the greater part of men in constant activity; and the habits of mind that are suited to an active life are not always suited to a contemplative one. The man of action is frequently obliged to content himself with the best he can get because he would never accomplish his purpose if he chose to carry every detail to perfection. He has occasion perpetually to rely on ideas that he has not had leisure to search to the bottom; for he is much more frequently aided by the seasonableness of an idea than by its strict accuracy; and in the long run he risks less in making use of some false principles than in spending his time in establishing all his principles on the basis of truth. The world is not led by long or learned demonstrations; a rapid glance at particular incidents, the daily study of the fleeting passions of the multitude, the accidents of the moment, and the art of turning them to account decide all its affairs. In the ages in which active life is the condition of almost everyone, men are generally led to attach an excessive value to the rapid bursts and superficial conceptions of the intellect, and on the other hand to undervalue unduly its slower and deeper labors. This opinion of the public influences the judgment of the men who cultivate the sciences; they are persuaded that they may succeed in those pursuits without meditation, or are deterred from such pursuits as demand it. There are several methods of studying the sciences. Among a multitude of men you will find a selfish, mercantile, and trading taste for the discoveries of the mind, which must not be confounded with that disinterested passion which is kindled in the heart of a few. A desire to utilize knowledge is one thing; the pure desire to know is another. I do not doubt that in a few minds and at long intervals an ardent, inexhaustible love of truth springs up, self-supported and living in ceaseless fruition, without ever attaining full satisfaction. It is this ardent love, this proud, disinterested love of what is true, that raises men to the abstract sources of truth, to draw their mother knowledge thence.  If Pascal had had nothing in view but some large gain, or even if he had been stimulated by the love of fame alone, I cannot conceive that he would ever have been able to rally all the powers of his mind, as he did, for the better discovery of the most hidden things of the Creator. When I see him, as it were, tear his soul from all the cares of life to devote it wholly to these researches and, prematurely snapping the links that bind the body to life, die of old age before forty, I stand amazed and perceive that no ordinary cause is at work to produce efforts so extraordinary. The future will prove whether these passions, at once so rare and so productive, come into being and into growth as easily in the midst of democratic as in aristocratic communities. For myself, I confess that I am slow to believe it. In aristocratic societies the class that gives the tone to opinion and has the guidance of affairs, being permanently and hereditarily placed above the multitude, naturally conceives a lofty idea of itself and of man. It loves to invent for him noble pleasures, to carve out splendid objects for his ambition. Aristocracies often commit very tyrannical and inhuman actions, but they rarely entertain groveling thoughts; and they show a kind of haughty contempt of little pleasures, even while they indulge in them. The effect is to raise greatly the general pitch of society. In aristocratic ages vast ideas are commonly entertained of the dignity, the power, and the greatness of man. These opinions exert their influence on those who cultivate the sciences as well as on the rest of the community. They facilitate the natural impulse of the mind to the highest regions of thought, and they naturally prepare it to conceive a sublime, almost a divine love of truth. Men of science at such periods are consequently carried away towards theory; and it even happens that they frequently conceive an inconsiderate contempt for practice. "Archimedes," says Plutarch, "was of so lofty a spirit that he never condescended to write any treatise on the manner of constructing all these engines of war. And as he held this science of inventing and putting together engines, and all arts generally speaking which tended to any useful end in practice, to be vile, low, and mercenary, he spent his talents and his studious hours in writing only of those things whose beauty and subtlety had in them no admixture of necessity." Such is the aristocratic aim of science; it cannot be the same in democratic nations The greater part of the men who constitute these nations are extremely eager in the pursuit of actual and physical gratification. As they are always dissatisfied with the position that they occupy and are always free to leave it, they think of nothing but the means of changing their fortune or increasing it. To minds thus predisposed, every new method that leads by a shorter road to wealth, every machine that spares labor, every instrument that diminishes the cost of production, every discovery that facilitates pleasures or augments them, seems to be the grandest effort of the human intellect. It is chiefly from these motives that a democratic people addicts itself to scientific pursuits, that it understands and respects them. In aristocratic ages science is more particularly called upon to furnish gratification to the mind; in democracies, to the body.You may be sure that the more democratic, enlightened, and free a nation is, the greater will be the number of these interested promoters of scientific genius and the more will discoveries immediately applicable to productive industry confer on their authors gain, fame, and even power. For in democracies the working class take a part in public affairs; and public honors as well as pecuniary remuneration may be awarded to those who deserve them. In a community thus organized, it may easily be conceived that the human mind may be led insensibly to the neglect of theory; and that it is urged, on the contrary, with unparalleled energy, to the applications of science, or at least to that portion of theoretical science which is necessary to those who make such applications. In vain will some instinctive inclination raise the mind towards the loftier spheres of the intellect; interest draws it down to the middle zone. There it may develop all its energy and restless activity and bring forth wonders. These very Americans who have not discovered one of the general laws of mechanics have introduced into navigation an instrument that changes the aspect of the world. Assuredly I do not contend that the democratic nations of our time are destined to witness the extinction of the great luminaries of man's intelligence, or even that they will never bring new lights into existence. At the age at which the world has now arrived, and among so many cultivated nations perpetually excited by the fever of productive industry, the bonds that connect the different parts of science cannot fail to strike the observer; and the taste for practical science itself, if it is enlightened, ought to lead men not to neglect theory. In the midst of so many attempted applications of so many experiments repeated every day, it is almost impossible that general laws should not frequently be brought to light; so that great discoveries would be frequent, though great inventors may be few.

I believe, moreover, in high scientific vocations. If the democratic principle does not, on the one hand, induce men to cultivate science for its own sake, on the other it enormously increases the number of those who do cultivate it. Nor is it credible that among so great a multitude a speculative genius should not from time to time arise inflamed by the love of truth alone. Such a one, we may be sure, would dive into the deepest mysteries of nature, whatever the spirit of his country and his age. He requires no assistance in his course; it is enough that he is not checked in it. All that I mean to say is this: permanent inequality of conditions leads men to confine themselves to the arrogant and sterile research for abstract truths, while the social condition and the institutions of democracy prepare them to seek the immediate and useful practical results of the sciences. This tendency is natural and inevitable; it is curious to be acquainted with it, and it may be necessary to point it out. If those who are called upon to guide the nations of our time clearly discerned from afar off these new tendencies, which will soon be irresistible, they would understand that, possessing education and freedom, men living in democratic ages cannot fail to improve the industrial part of science, and that henceforward all the efforts of the constituted authorities ought to be directed to support the highest branches of learning and to foster the nobler passion for science itself. In the present age the human mind must be coerced into theoretical studies; it runs of its own accord to practical applications; and, instead of perpetually referring it to the minute examination of secondary effects, it is well to divert it from them sometimes, in order to raise it up to the contemplation of primary causes. Because the civilization of ancient Rome perished in consequence of the invasion of the Barbarians, we are perhaps too apt to think that civilization cannot perish in any other manner. If the light by which we are guided is ever extinguished, it will dwindle by degrees and expire of itself. By dint of close adherence to mere applications, principles would be lost sight of; and when the principles were wholly forgotten, the methods derived from them would be ill pursued. New methods could no longer be invented, and men would continue, without intelligence and without art, to apply scientific processes no longer understood.  When Europeans first arrived in China, three hundred years ago, they found that almost all the arts had reached a certain degree of perfection there, and they were surprised that a people which had attained this point should not have gone beyond it. At a later period they discovered traces of some higher branches of science that had been lost. The nation was absorbed in productive industry; the greater part of its scientific processes had been preserved, but science itself no longer existed there. This served to explain the strange immobility in which they found the minds of this people. The Chinese, in following the track of their forefathers, had forgotten the reasons by which the latter had been guided. They still used the formula without asking for its meaning; they retained the instrument, but they no longer possessed the art of altering or renewing it. The Chinese, then, had lost the power of change; for them improvement was impossible. They were compelled at all times and in all points to imitate their predecessors lest they should stray into utter darkness by deviating for an instant from the path already laid down for them. The source of human knowledge was all but dry; and though the stream still ran on, it could neither swell its waters nor alter its course. Notwithstanding this, China had existed peaceably for centuries. The invaders who had conquered the country assumed the manners of the inhabitants, and order prevailed there. A sort of physical prosperity was everywhere discernible; revolutions were rare, and war was, so to speak, unknown. It is then a fallacy to flatter ourselves with the reflection that the barbarians are still far from us; for if there are some nations that allow civilization to be torn from their grasp, there are others who themselves trample it underfoot.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, October 24, 2014

671. The Minds of the People of the USA Are Stuck-In-The-Mud.

It is very clear to me that many Americans and many other leaders of nations accept Darwin' evolutionary theory --- that humans and animals are always struggling with opposing forces in order to win either money or food. Thus, I say that these Americans and other leaders held the belief that humans are natural seekers of money and that animals are natural seekers of food.

However, I conclude that the founders of the USA did not hold the above belief about humans and animals when they developed and signed the Declaration of Independence (DOI). In order for Stephen Douglas to beat Abraham Lincoln, Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species, came to the USA from England in 1859. (click) But, when Abraham Lincoln began to ran for the presidency, he told his voters about animals and that the beavers make the same homes for five thousands years. Lincoln won the presidency in 1861 and started to build Henry Clay's American System of Economics in the South and in the West. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. (Assassination Information) 

Andrew Johnson became the next president. He brought the seceded states back to the USA, But this act led to a conflict with the Republicans on slavery. Johnson was impeached. From 1869 to 1913 eight Republicans and two Democrats held the presidency. But, when Theodor Roosevelt became president, J.P. Morgan said that he could control the whole U.S. industry. This system is what Lincoln or I would have made. However, Teddy disagreed with Morgan. From 1929 to 1933 Herbert Hoover said that the economy would correct the depression itself. Essentially, Hoover said that humans are like animals. From 1933-1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt put many people to work. But, from 1945 to 2017, the Democratic and Republican presidents only discuss debts based only on competition among nations.

When the minds of Lincoln and Johnson tried to move the USA forward, only the sensual mind of J.P. Morgan would move all the of the U.S. people forward. But, today, many people in the USA only want to compete with other people by becoming rich.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, October 23, 2014

671.Competition Is Natural Only In Animals

Many people of the USA and many people of other nations believe that the concept of competition is natural. They also believe that it is natural for some people to become rich and other people to become poor. However, these people do not realize that human life does not stand still, as the life of all animals stand still.

President Lincoln did not believe that competition is a struggle between the fittest animals and humans. On beavers, President Lincoln said that beavers build houses and builds them the same they did five thousand years ago. (click) , (click) So, humans and animals are different and human life changes whereas animal life is always the same.

Accordingly, competition must be eliminated if humans want to develop a new and equal life for all humans. If competition is not eliminated, I conclude that wars among nations are coming.

If the U.S. Congress begins to eliminate the competition among the people of the USA, I suggest that Congress study the togetherness of Abe Lincoln, Henry Clay, and the American System of Economics. (click) (click)

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

670. Competition Of Humans Must End

Competition was not well defined until the theory of evolutionary emerged. When Charles Darwin developed his evolutionary theory, evolutionists concluded quickly that the concept of competition is a mechanical process, that competition is a natural selection process, and that competition is a struggle between the fittest animals and humans.

Since many 'rich/poor' humans exist in many nations today, evolutionary theory is now also saying that competition is a contest among rich humans over territories for resources. And that these rich humans seek prestige, recognition, awards, social status, and leadership.

I conclude that evolutionary theory has developed the concept of competition in many nations. But, this development is only similar to the development of slavery long ago and crime more recently. I also conclude that atheists, physical scientists, biologists, and naturalists have told many people that the universe will come to an end. And religions have told many people that a second life exists only in God's heaven. Even the U.S. government is telling its people that competition is natural and godly. But, I say that the teaching of competition by the U.S. Republicans and Democrats is false.

Unless the concept of competition is destroyed completely, human life on this planet will degenerate bodily and mentally. Only the American System of Economics can save all nations and all humans.

Those humans who want competition are not thinking well. Gaining prestige, recognition, awards, social status, and leadership occurs rarely because God dos not reborn humans in the same nation.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

659. Competition Is An Ungodly Thought Of William Clinton

Currently, former U.S. President William Clinton is appearing on TV this fall in order to help Americans win a democratic position in government. To help these Americans, Mr. Clinton teaches competition. However, if maintained, competition will always develop a nation of rich and poor people.

Actually, Clinton's competition violates the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) because the self-evident truths of the DOI says that all Men are created equal. Thus, when humans souls are created by God, the feelings of males or females become equal after God gives them a body. When our babies are created by God, their freedom only lies in their feelings. When our babies grow and learn that competition is natural, cancer will appear because life will be filled with many different feelings.

When competition is used by many different nations. The people of these nations will separate and develop a number of rich and poor people. As competition becomes tighter and tighter, labor earnings must be reduced and the number of poor people will grow. For instance, in North Dakota, the oil drillers are lowering cost in order to sell. So labor pay is being lowered. In nations, wars often appear when competition does not work anymore.

Further, when people receive inheritances, the number of the people in the rich class grows and the number of poor people grow. So, competition causes cancer from the feelings of human minds. The idea that competition is natural is wrong.

In the first statement of the DOI, Ben Franklin and John Adams changed the phrase 'the people' to the 'one People.' This change identifies the USA as a 'whole with an equal number of human parts.' To view the USA only as human winners and losers is ungodly.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, October 20, 2014

658. Unnatural Feelings Of Humans Lead To Cancer

When a baby is born, the baby develops feelings immediately and begins to sense these feelings immediately. After the baby feels and senses Mother several times, the senses of the baby are unified and Mother's face becomes a system. This system is a whole with parts. In Germany, the face of Mothers is called a gestalt. Accordingly, the human body is not like an automobile that has a precise number of parts.

Atheists, atheistic scientists, and many religions say that the universe had a beginning and has an end. This saying is why many people say that humans, animals, and plants are physical things and that we have only one life. Thus, to live as long as possible, political parties and dictators say that competition and rich/poor classes are natural. In order to live a another life, Gospel Music and many religions tell us that an another heaven exists and that God and Jesus live there.

I say that God made an infinity of immortal souls. I also say that God made these souls functionally related in order to make a universe that would have no end. The American System of Economics was presented to the U.S. government by Henry Clay. The American System was rejected and turned the US and many other nations into a system of competition and a system of rich/poor. When these nations put these two systems into operation, the rebirth and feelings of babies of Fathers and Mothers will become terrible and ungodly.

I conclude that human economics and ungodly work is the cause of cancer.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, October 18, 2014

657.Solving Cancer Differently

When the Americans fought and won the war against England, the Americans did not reject all of the different behaviors of human life in England. For instance, when Henry Clay tried to install the American System of Economics in the 1830s, he failed because most Americans are using the English language and the British System of Economics.

In 1859, Darwin's evolutionary theory was sent to the USA in order to defeat Lincoln in 1861. While Lincoln won this election, he was assassinated. The death of Lincoln led to the to absolute freedom of the people who went West. But, this absolute freedom violates the Law of Nature and of Nature's God in the Declaration of Independence (DOI). Thus, Darwin's evolutionary theory has been accepted by many those Americans who reject this DOI law.

When cancer appeared more frequently, doctors began to develop surgeries, radiations, and chemotherapies. I conclude that these developments are failures because doctors do not conduct research on God and the universe when they work on human or animal bodies. For instance, I conclude that cancer is a system (or a whole with parts) and can be felt by the human mind. In his Two New Sciences, Galileo said that all bodies are made with indivisibles. So, smaller and smaller parts of a system in a human body can be identified. If these parts are perceived, in his Monadology, Leibniz says that different perceptions can be reasoned many different ways. If strange lines of reasoning appear, then cancer can be eliminated.

My thoughts on cancer are new and challenge our doctors. I expect my thoughts to grow. But, it is time to eliminate the British System of Economies all over the world.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, October 17, 2014

656. Health Care Costs For Humans Must Decrease Continually

Adam Smith talked about the possible failures of his economy. I also talk about his free economy. Today, I talk about the failure of health care.

When I was a child, I got Chickenbox, which is an infection from the varicella zoster virus. (click) This infection can be felt as a 'system of parts' on the skin of a young person. When I aged, I felt the shingles on my head. But I say that shingles form a 'system of parts.'

To reduce the shingle system, I use the ointment clobetasol propionate. However, the cost of this ointment to me comes through the BlueCross BlueShield insurance. Recently, the cost of the ointment was increased from $9 to $36 The new ointment cost is coming from the BlueCross BlueShield through an investing company. So, my health care cost of my ointment increased.

As my wife aged, she felt the development of a breathing problem in her lung. This breathing problem is called the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thus, her feelings are also about a 'system of parts.' The motions of her lung parts increase and decrease. But some lung parts decrease more and more as time passes. In order to increase the lung working parts, she uses an inhalant. But as time passed, she had to pay $80 for her inhalant rather than $30. Thus, her health care cost increased.

Developing knowledge of the systems of parts with the human minds is not developing because the world economy has develop a class of rich and poor humans.  Now, I am also revealing that the health care system of the human body is being destroyed by a rich and poor economy.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, October 16, 2014

655. How Non-Physicists Can Be Distinguished Clearly From Physicists

The USA and many other nations are failing mentally because economies have developed a rich and poor class of humans. When these classes developed, the minds of the rich humans gained a feeling of a great culture and the minds of the poor humans gained a feeling of a least culture. These least and great cultures were taught by Jesus at Matt. 5:19 as undesirable. So, rich/poor phenomena are not healthy and could be the origin of cancer or other problem of our bodies.

In 1971, the Foundations of Measurement was written by David H. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce, Patrick Suppes, and Amos Tversky. Three basic measurements were identified for the physical science: comparisons, counting units, and solving inequalities.

For nonphysical sciences such as psychology, for example, physical scientists say (1) that non-physicists must discover their own ratio scales and append them to the existing structure of physical quantities, (2) that non-physicists introduce into the structure new non-basic quantities that are relevant to the non-physical sciences, or (3) that non-physicists arrive at lawful formulations having a character different from the dimensional invariant equations of physicists.

Since most physical scientists are atheists, I say that all non-physicists should accept the work of Ernst Cassirer, Susanne Langer, and the reality of our feelings that work in our  souls and our r minds. The continuation of a world economy and human classes must be destroyed. Then, the nations must build a new world of equal nations.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

654. The United States of America Is Falling

The  people of foreign nations are now passing the number of U.S. people who read my news.

Accordingly, I conclude that many American minds cannot b opened to new breakthroughs such as: (1) the new lines of reasoning in the 15th century; (2) the new modern science in the 18th century; and (3) the separation of evolution and empiricism from England in the 18th century by Ben Franklin. Essentially, the minds of Americans are not developing properly because too many U.S. TV programs are focused on criminal stories, political party messages, and economic sales. It is time to develop the minds of humans through TV and the Internet

On the history of the world, I say that the American minds cannot be opened because American lawyers say (1) that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) has no laws; (2) that American economists installed Adam Smith's economy in the USA because they did not know the American System of Economics; and (3) that American Christians, Gospel singers, and Gospel musicians believe that Jesus is God and that the universe will soon come to an end. The minds of many other humans can close the minds of other humans.

I say that the American minds are not moving into any new lives and are not developing higher minds because the Adam Smith economy produced a class of rich and poor humans. This production developed a side effect in that the rich class now controls the minds of the poor humans.

Unless the Republican and Democratic parties are removed from government, I say that most American minds will never move forward.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

653. God Exists and Cannot be Exhausted

The work of Ernst Cassirer and Susanne Langer, on the human mind and knowledge, is a very important subject of the potential future of the life of the people of all nations. So, I will discuss the past history, which I observed during my life and recorded in my books.

In my first book, I say that God made humans appear on planet earth about 4.4 million years ago. Humans lived the same way until 9000 years ago. At that time, animal bones were notched by humans and were expressed as an outward signal by the mind. This expression was a business that used the first counting tokens.

4000 years later, humans began to write. These writings use words that express the life of humans and the thoughts of God's life. By bringing counting tokens and symbols together, the minds of humans store systems such as money systems, mathematical sciences, languages, scripts, scriptures, temples, etc.. Thus, before tokens and symbols appeared, humans lived in caves, made meals, hunted, drummed, danced, etc.. Thus, the human mind was not developing until tokens and symbols appeared 9000 years ago and began to develop the human mind with many new thoughts.

However, the human mind and the human life will never become final as many humans say. My second book says that human minds began to reject the life of humans in the Middle Ages. So, in the 15th century, many humans turned away from false religious teachings and opened the modern science of the 18th century. (click) Will modern science win its belief that the universe will come to the end? I say, No because humans minds cannot be filled and God cannot be exhausted. Human mind and human life never ends. And mathematical science cannot be completed.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, October 12, 2014

652. My Final Blog On A Very Important Book For Believers In God

The purposes of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer and the development of knowledge by Cassirer is not the purpose of preparing humans, after they die, for a trip to heaven where they will live with God, Jesus, Spirits, Prophets, Virgins, etc. , as religions teach.

On the knowledge of Cassirer new and different knowledge will develop as time passes. For instance, events of nature are not instances of life. The truth is that the events of nature are symbols of our lives. Nor will we say that humans came from animals. The symbols we develop of our minds include feelings I often develop feelings from a singer through a TV program.

Thus, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Cassirer must include the expanded work of Susanne K. Lander on the subject of human feelings in her three volume books on Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. An abridged edition by Langer is available.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, October 11, 2014

651. The Summary of a Very Important Book For Believers In God

The three volumes of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer must be summarized. This summary must transform Cassirer's three volumes into a four-year high school course for all nations. This summary must accept One God, who cannot be known, but is active and can be understood increasingly by the development of the sensual and rational minds of every human. In order to develop this summary, I want to discuss the concept 'system' or the whole and parts of things).

In 1954, I started to work at Martins aircraft in Baltimore. At Martins, an airplane structure was assembled, the engines were put on the wings, and mechanical and electrical boxes were attached to the structure. Making airplanes this way was becoming outdated. In a different way, as an honored basketball player, my mind developed systems (or basketball plays). At Martins, I produced the first picture of an airplane system, which is a whole with parts and the first picture of a rocket system, which is a whole with parts. I produced these pictures because my basketball mind became systematic. From 1961-1968, Robert McNamara also displayed his systematic mind because he developed a 'system' of the Defense Department.

Thus, in order to convert Ernst Cassirer's symbolic forms into a high school class for our children, the coexistent systems made by God must be identified. Some of these coexistent systems already exist in my third book.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, October 10, 2014

650. Some More On A Very Important Book For Believers In God

Each day, about 100 people in different nations read my blogs. Yesterday, 666 people in many nations read my blog on the development of human knowledge by Ernst Cassirer. Many of these people live in the USA, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Brazil, Hong Kong, Spain, Slovakia, and Ukraine while other people live in other nations. In general, the development of human knowledge is a very important subject worldwide. Yet, the development of human knowledge about God and the universe is not growing.  So, wars and more new crimes are coming.

Based on my research of the USA, I conclude that the U.S. people do not develop and use the human knowledge developed by Cassirer. Instead, most Americans use the English language, which is used mostly by atheists, logicians, lawyers, political parties, evolutionists, bankers, investors, and the  economists who use the symbols that England's Adam Smith developed.

In the19th and 20th century, the English language brought the development of human knowledge to a halt. This 19th century halt can be seen on the ENCORE TV, a Centennial movie.  Going West, shooting Indians, stealing money, buying land, finding gold were natural to economic language of Adam Smith. In both centuries, two presidents were assassinated because these two presidents, Lincoln and Kennedy, were going to change the U.S. economy by making all U.S. citizens equal.

To express the thoughts of President Lincoln, Henry Carey wrote The Unity of Law, As Exhibited in the Relations of Physical, Social, Mental and Moral Science. In the first chapter on page 9, Carey tells us that the meaning of the symbols of Adam Smith are vague and very poor. Carey also honored Frederic List because List moved the coal of Pennsylvania to many U.S. people. Carey rejects the economy of Adam Smith and says that capital is the instrument of work that has been done. Thus, if God creates all people equal, a nation can put all people to work with capital. If this is done, all people become equal.

The economy of Adam Smith has became outdated. Thus, it is time to develop the senses and reasoning minds of the people in every nation. In the USA, the Republicans and Democrats must be eliminated because they demand that the economy of Adam Smith be used. The English language is weak and is lowering our mental abilities significantly. By introducing some German symbols and lines of reasoning into our English language should be considered by the U.S. government, colleges, and universities.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, October 09, 2014

649. More On A Very Important Book For Believers In God

Ernst Cassirer died in 1945. So, Volume 3. The Phenomenology of Knowledge  of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer had to be published in 1955-1957 by Yale University. They were published after the Thirteenth Symposium of the Conference of Science, Philosophy, and Religion at Columbia University was presented in 1952. At this symposium, the meaning of symbols and signs could only be discussed.

In order to define symbols and signs, Susanne K. Langer (1889-1985) stepped onto the scene with a the book, Philosophy In A New Key. Its subtitle is A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Life, and Art. This New Key would open a new door to Kant's negative conclusions. On page 21 of her book, Langer says that our sense-data are primarily symbols. And, in Chapter III, she says that signs are really signals. But, when I added her work to my books, the atheists attacked my blogs for more than a year. I say that the USA has a God and does not need atheists.

Today, a major destruction of Cassirer's development of knowledge is found in the USA. This destruction comes from the U.S. government. All three branches of Government say that the Declaration of Independence (DOI) has no laws. I say that the DOI has four scientific laws and one democratic law.

The scientific laws are:
1. one People,
2. all Men are created equal,
3. Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, and
4. Self-evident truths and unalienable rights.
All of these scientific laws are being violated.

The democratic law is:
1. Abolish and reinstitute government.

Since the U.S. government is violating many laws, the current government must be abolished by the States and a new government must reinstituted. But, I also say that the DOI and the Constitution form two coexistent concepts from John Locke. These coexistent concepts are Society and Government. Society forms the Private Sector and Government forms the Public Sector.

In summary, the USA is not making any progress in the development of knowledge of the human mind, God, and the universe.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

548. A Very Important Book For Believers In God

Supreme Court judges, Congress members, and college/university students and professors must consider Volume 3, The Phenomenology of Knowledge of The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer (1872-1945). (click)  Based on Cassirer's book, any human can learn how to use symbols that become more and more precise as space and time move forward. (Volume 1 is on Language and Volume 2 is on Mythical Thought.)

Born in Poland, Cassirer attended a university in Berlin and taught in Germany until the Nazis came to power. In 1941, he moved to the USA and taught at Yale University. However, the use of symbols became major problems in the USA. Symbols became problems in the early years of the 19th century. These problems were addressed by George Mead and Herbert Blumer. They developed symbolic interactions. (click)

In 1952, the life scientists still did not know the difference between a sign and a symbol at the Thirteenth Symposium of the Conference of Science, Philosophy, and Religion at Columbia University. In the USA, I conclude that the interactions of symbols could not be defined correctly because the subject of God, the subject of the universe, and the laws of the Declaration of Independence (DOI) were not considered by socialists. .

If you learn how to develop symbols and their meanings more correctly in time, atheists, physical scientists, and evolutionists will try to sell materialism and exact symbols to you. They will also tell you that your mind is not a soul and that you have only one life. If you reject the messages of these atheists, physical scientists, and evolutionists, your knowledge of God will expand and you will experience many beautiful lives in many different places where God places you. If a human rejects God, this human will develop criminal and war behaviors.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

547. What Is Happening to the USA?

On October 6, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court violated the Declaration of Independence (DOI). (click)  The Supreme Court violation let stand appeals court rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states, a major surprise that could signal the inevitability of the right of same-sex marriage nationwide. The development cleared the way for same-sex marriages in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. Gay and lesbian couples started getting married in those states within hours. (click)

This violation of the DOI by the U.S. Supreme Court violates the one People of the USA, which means that the people of all States must become equal because all Men are created equal by God. In the first statement of the Declaration of Independence, Note. Ben Franklin changed Jefferson's draft version of the DOI by changing the first two words from 'the people to  'one People.' The phrase 'one People' has a different scientific meaning than the phrase 'the people.' Clearly, the American lawyers are showing the lack of their knowledge of science and the meanings of scientific symbols.

Furthermore, gay and lesbian couples are violating God because my modern work on God and God's universe require a male and a female to bring immortal souls into a new life with a new body.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the U.S. government does not understand the laws in the Declaration of Independence. Not only are same sex marriages violating God's creation, abortion, atheism, and ACLU are also violating God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, October 06, 2014

546.A Brief History of the Very Big Thinkers

All people should take the time to learn the thoughts and writings of Anaxagoras (click) , Confucius (click) , Plato (click), Jesus (click), Galileo (P.34 of Two New Sciences), and Gottfried Leibniz (click),

Detail and Important Statements of Great Thinkers,
---Anaxagoras says that God made the universe so that everything is in everything at all times,
---Confucius says that families are loyal,
---Plato says that an infinite God and all finite other things coexist,
---Jesus says (1) that God and us are in each other (John 14:20); (2) that we will do greater works than he is doing (John 14:12); and (3) that people will be reborn on a least or greater kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:19),
---Galileo says that all bodies of God's universe are made with indivisible souls, and
---Gottfried Leibniz says many statements in his Monadology.

General and Important Statements That  I Can Make
(1) that God made a universe, which we can see by looking into the evening sky,
(2) that God made living and nonliving things for the universe,
(3) that God made a universe that will exist forever,
(4) that God made an immortal soul for all humans.
(5) that God gives all humans a new body after their deaths, Only God knows where you will be reborn.

The early detail statements by Anaxagoras, Confucius, Plato, and Jesus updated the Old Testament of the Jews. But, in the 4th century, the Nicene Creed was made by the Christians and stopped the teachings of these early detailed statement. However, in the 15th century, the weak logic of Christian teachings caused the appearance of modern science and caused the development of statements from Galileo and Leibniz. In the18th century, the statements of Galileo and Leibniz were learned by Ben Franklin and were brought to the U.S. colonists so they could separate America from the empiricism of England.

Hopefully, this history will be useful.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, October 05, 2014

545. U.S. Mineral Rights and Laws Are Outdated

In the USA, the mineral rights were given to the citizens by laws of the U.S. government.(click), (click) I conclude that mineral laws and rights were given to Americans because many citizens believed that Jesus is God and that parents must pass rights onto their family if they want to go to heaven after they die.

However, some necessary minerals will not be found in the USA and must be obtained from other nations. For example, in 1950, a military person told me that both the tungsten mineral and communism were the two purposes of the U.S. Korean War. (click) Thus, I ask 'How long will nations exist without going to wars over minerals?'

My research and my first book says that all finite things in our world tell us that God is not-not-finite. This means that God is beyond all finite and infinite concepts. Thus, God is unknown and does not live in the heaven of the universe that He created. So, the above beliefs of Americans about God are wrong. Further, I say that minerals and mineral laws are needed to develop the USA and all other nations. Thus, the purposes of minerals are not to make rich families or going to wars with nations in order to gain control of necessary minerals..

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, October 04, 2014

544. The John Ehrlickman Domestic Program in the USA Might Be Of Interest to Other Nations

In blog 543, I write about the domestic program of President Nixon. This program was developed by John Ehrlickman in 1971. I conclude that this domestic program should be discussed in more detail by the leaders of all nations.

For example, if the electricity, the water, and the transportation of goods are developed underground in every nation, the underground minerals of all nations would become free to all nations and the competition between nations and the evolutionary theory of Darwin would be eliminated.

So, I believe that the 1971 domestic program by John Ehrlickman can unify all nations and make them equal under God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, October 03, 2014

543. The Alternative to Capitalism and Socialism in the USA and Other Nations

In blog 540, I write about my first job at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) of the U.S. Department of Justice. In my first job, I attended a meeting to hear a new domestic affair program by President Nixon. This new program was developed for Nixon by John Ehrlickman (1925-1999), who was a member of the White House staff. (click)  However, the Watergate Scandal (click) developed and destroyed this new domestic program. This scandal also caused President Nixon to resign.

If this domestic program had been implemented. I say that the debate between the capitalism of Republicans and the socialism of Democrats would have never occurred and all nations and all people on this planet would be very happy. Instead, the debates between capitalism and socialism led only to many different people thoughts in U.S. States and nations.

When President Nixon was in the White House, inflation had been increasing. After he resigned. Gerald Ford went to the White House and gave the WIN button to every person he met. But, inflation would rise to 12 % when Jimmy Carter left the White House.

Thus, the major domestic project of Ehrlickman under President Nixon was to lower inflation. One of Ehrlickman's projects was the development of full employment and the development of the four-day-workweek. As time passed, the four-day-workweek would be reduced to a three-day-workweek and then to a two-day-workweek. This project did destroy the gold standard because the project would be focusing only on the development of human life in the USA. Had this project been funded, crime would be eliminated and private personal activities would increase. Since this U.S. project was never developed, capitalists would take control of the life of people in the USA.

Other domestic projects were presented. One project was to lift the protein in the human body of all humans. To increase protein in all humans, pigs would be put into production as chickens are in production. I conclude that such productions are godly because all animals and plants have immortal souls, receive a body from God, and can function for the health of all humans. Yes, I believe that cancer can be prevented by animals and plants.

Another domestic project was the development and management of the space underground. For example, electricity, water, and the transportation of goods were discussed. No longer would trucks be seen on highways. Similar to the way worms dig underground, the development of the underground would be developed with fusion energy.

I say that the domestic program was developed by John Ehrlickman. This program was excellent and godly and could be used by any other nations. The current development of capitalism by U.S. Republicans and the development of socialism by the U.S. Democrats is ungodly and in violation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. If President Nixon did not have to resign, the Republican and Democratic parties would no longer exist.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, October 02, 2014

542. Fixing the U.S. Government, Politics, and Political Science

In the USA, the Republican and Democrats cannot relate the concepts of capitalism and socialism. So, the U.S. Republicans speak mostly about capitalism and U. S. Democrats speak mostly about socialism and both act as if they should sit on a see saw and play with logical politics. Thus, the Republicans and Democrats have brought the forward motion of the USA to a virtual halt.

I conclude that the motion of the USA was lowered greatly because Republicans and Democrats are not scientists and do not know how to bring different coexistent concepts together to form functional relations. Thus, the minds of the Republicans and Democrats have become highly flawed and cannot move the USA into the future that Jesus taught at Matt. 5:19.

I am also concluding that political science is not developing in the USA because many atheists, physical scientists, and logicians have rejected God and God's universe. So, the people of the USA are becoming split into many different capitalists and socialists. Thus, the current U.S. government must be abolished by the States so that a new government can be instituted.

If a nation is to move into the unknown, its government and people must study my books below.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

541. Some More Thoughts On the Elimination of the the U.S. Republicam and Democratic Parties

The elimination of the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties is necessary because the capitalism of Republicans and the socialism of Democrats cannot unite the U.S. nation of 'one People,' as the Declaration of Independence (DOI) states.

I conclude that capitalism and socialism will never be unified by any political parties. I came to this truth when I found that two laws in the DOI, the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature's God, were never developed by the U.S. government, the U.S. States, and the U.S. people. Instead, U.S. political parties only seek powers and money. New Laws of Nature or new Laws of Nature's God are never presented by parties. With God and the laws of the DOI, I say that capitalism and socialism can be united.

Without God, Republicans think that capitalism is the basic origin of the USA on July 4, 1776. This statement means that Darwin's evolutionary theory is true. Accordingly, competition must win over all other nations. Without God, Democrats think that socialism is the basic origin of the USA on July 4, 1776. This statement also means that Darwin's evolutionary theory is true. Accordingly, competition and socialism must win over all other humans. Without God, capitalism and socialism will eventual lead to wars and crimes.

If we reject Darwin's evolutionary theory, God and God's acts will be exposed to us and our developing minds. With these developing minds, all humans will learn to work together in every nation forever.

If a person never stops the debate between capitalism and socialism, the teaching of Jesus at Matt.5:19 says that this person will live in a least kingdom of heaven forever.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page